This is absolutely the best flan I have ever tasted.  But, it is also very rich.  If desired, you can make the portions smaller by making 8 servings instead of 6.  The beauty of this dessert is that it is best if made the day before serving.

1   3/4  c. heavy whipping cream
1 c. whole milk
1/2 vanilla bean, or 1 t. vanilla
Pinch salt

3 eggs
2 egg yolks
7 T. sugar

1 c. sugar
1/3 c. water

Collect 6-8 small ramekins.
Add cream, milk, and salt to sauce pan.
Cut the half vanilla bean in half, lengthwise, and scrape seeds into cream mixture, and add the pod.
Bring to just a simmer over medium heat.
Set aside to steep for 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

For the caramel:

Combine sugar and water in medium saucepan.
Stir over low heat until sugar dissolves.
Without stirring, increase heat to high.
Let mixture cook until it reaches an amber color (no stirring).
Pour into 6-8 ramekins and tilt to coat entire bottom.
(If using glass ramekins, also roll caramel around sides.)
Place ramekins in a 13 x 9 pan.

NOTE:  If caramel doesn’t come out the correct color, or  burns, throw it out and start over.

For the custard:

Whisk eggs and sugar until just blended.
Gently whisk cream mixture in without creating a lot of foam.
Pour custard through strainer into glass measuring cup.
Pour custard into ramekins.

Pour enough hot water to come halfway up sides of ramekins.
Bake about 40 minutes, until centers are gently set.
Transfer ramekins to a wire rack and let cool.

Chill at least 2 hours and best over night.

To serve, run small sharp knife around flan to loosen.
Turn over onto plate. Shake gently to release flan.
Carefully lift off ramekin allowing caramel syrup to run over flan.
Repeat with remaining flans and serve.


Adapted from Epicurious

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